Essay examples
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Trade in Western Civilization free essay sample
Course was critical to eastern human advancement. This course which was loaded with mountains experienced nations from Afghanistan to current day Iraq. This ,000 mile Silk Road moved loads of tin, which was an imperative fixing to making bronze. Another significant exchange course was the Assyrian Trade Road. This associated Anatolia to Mesopotamia. This had creation from Assyrian vendors, which was the accomplishment to this way. The Mediterranean and Black Sea was one of the most realized ocean courses. It set out from China and would experience Turkistan, Iran, and Iraq. From that point, it would go on another boat to arrive at Constantinople. This exchange course is the thing that makes Constantinople the best business community. Significant creations were found out in the Western Civilization. The economy concentrated on metal work, materials, and development. The creation of alum was found out, which was a huge color utilized for fleece. The wheel was imagined by the Sumerians and was utilized for trucks, chariots, and stoneware making. We will compose a custom article test on Exchange Western Civilization or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Iron was refined without precedent for 2500BCE. This iron permitted weapons and body security for the men. These were enormous manifestations for the time. Because of this innovation, numerous people had the option to land positions, which assembled a superior monetary framework. Employments incorporate ceramics creators, stone cutters, metal smiths, ranchers, fishers, mariners, and development work. Things being sent out were in levels of popularity. Ashore, men went on camels, since they would give a smooth ride and had the option to convey overwhelming loads. The camels provided water for the men so they could keep going on long excursions. Land gave an approach to mail and significant government papers to be traded. Additionally, Islamic dealers utilized a casual method to move cash. They saved cash into one region. The strategy to this was if theft were captivated, the cash would not be available. This strategy is as yet utilized today in the Middle East. The primary fares in Western Civilization included cleanser, orses, domesticated animals, produce (grains, apricots, and so on), materials, dried wheat, Alum, fleece, various types of metal, slaves, flavors, and silk. The Western Civilization was a period in time in which numerous new manifestations were presented. Exchange had helped the monetary frameworks, and showed networks of various devices and food. Exchange is as y et utilized today in the Middle East, and likely will proceed because of the achievement it has had from hundreds of years back. It hugy affected Western societies, and today’s society will keep on finding developments made when exchange was dynamic.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Puritans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Puritans - Essay Example On September 6, 1620, the Mayflower, a cruising vessel, began her noteworthy journey from Plymouth, England, with around 100 pioneers on board, headed for Virginia to build up a private changeless province in North America. (Roark, et al, 2007). Showing up on November 21, at what is presently Provincetown, Massachusetts, 41 of them marked the popular Mayflower Compact. A little detail of the pioneers, drove by William Bradford, alloted to choose a spot for perpetual settlement, arrived at what is presently Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 21. (Roark et al; 2007).The content of the archive read: We, having embraced for headway of the Christian confidence and the Honor of our King and Country, a journey to plant the principal province in the northern pieces of Virginia, docovenant and join ourselves together into a common Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends previously mentioned, andenact, establish and casing such just and equivalent Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Officesas will be thought generally meet and helpful for the General great of the Colony into which we guarantee all due Submission and Obedience (Roark, et al; 2007)Shortly before Charles I broke up Parliament in 1629, numerous Puritans shaped the Massachusetts Bay Colony and were allowed a sanction for colonization in New England. (Roark, et al; 2007; pp 77-101). In 1630 this gathering cruised for the New World, with chose senator John Winthrop to lead them. On board the boat Arbella, Winthrop conveyed a lesson to his devotees about the importance of their excursion and their obligation as pilgrims to follow an upright way and to hold fast carefully to God's laws (Roark, et al; 2007). He and his supporters set up settlements around Boston in 1630. Unlike the Virginia pioneers, most vagrants to New England were ranchers or tradesmen of working class starting point whocame as a major aspect of a family (Roark, et al; 2007). Their family tie s fortified their strict convictions through interlocking organizations of family, church and network. In contrast to their Chesapeake partners, New Englanders didn't disperse over the land, yet settled in various humble communities found either on the coast or along a waterway. (Roark, et al; 2007) The townspeople's solid pietyenforced surprising strict and social congruity in the networks. The expression of God-not detailed function - was the focal point of Puritan administrations; and Puritans considered 'church' to be not the structure in which they adored but rather the people who went into a serious contract with one another and with God to lead a blessed and upright life. (Roark, et al; 2007). Since Puritans were Calvinists, they trusted Christians must teach their conduct to adjust carefully to their strict thoughts. Calvinism additionally lectured the precept of fate whereby people were either spared or condemned by God's foreordained decision; and their contract required t he training of the whole network; church individuals were to watch the conduct of different individuals and report any offenses to chapel older folks whose activity it was to rebuff violators of the network's agreement. The congregation had no immediate job in common government; in any case, the Puritans accepted that administration was eventually subordinate to the congregation. They tried to make open life completely adjust to their perspective on God's law, anticipating severe recognition of the Sabbath, declining to observe Christmas and Easter, and reproaching rounds of possibility, music and moving, in addition to other things (Roark, et al; 2007) The Puritans made a common government that was represented by Puritans for Puritanism; the main authorities in towns of the Colony were the 'freemen' who must be male church individuals; they could decide in favor of representative, delegate senator and other pilgrim authorities. At the point when the quantity of 'freemen' turned out to be too huge to even think about meeting advantageously, every town consented to send two delegates to the General Court to go about as the Colony's authoritative body.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Thou Art The Thing Itself A Journey From King To Father Essay Example For Students
Thou Art The Thing Itself: A Journey From King To Father Essay William Shakespeares 1606 The Tragedy of King Lear investigates the character of a man and his change from an egotistical and fretful King to a sort and pardoning Father. In the start of the play, King Lear has concluded he might want to split his realm between his little girls so he could rest and appreciate an amazing remainder. To test his little girls commitment, he requests them to reveal to him how much every one of them adores him. His two girls, Regan And Goneril, give him words and adulation, yet his most youthful little girl, Cordelia, will not compliment him as her eager sisters had. Hearing this, the rash King repudiated Cordelia, saying Let it be so! Thy truth at that point be thy dower! Here I disavow all my fatherly consideration And as an alien to my heart and me hold thee from this for ever. We will compose a custom paper on Thou Art The Thing Itself: A Journey From King To Father explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Ruler Lear, Act Ii 120-123. His unwavering worker, the Earl of Kent, attempts to convince him that Cordelia was the most genuine of his little girls, and the main earnest one. In any case, Lears speedy temper and absurdity drove him to likewise double-cross Kent. What's more, on the 6th day to turn thy loathed back Upon our realm. Away! By Jupiter, This will not be denied. Ruler Lear, Act Ii 189-193. He expels Kent from the realm, and places the entirety of his capacity under the control of Goneril and Regan. After his girls have all of England available to them, they start to strip away what little force Lear has left. To start with, Goneril precludes him the benefit from claiming one hundred knights, just permitting him fifty. Insulted by this, Lear goes to Regan, however she won't house the entirety of his knights, either. Together, Goneril and Regan deny him any knights, and when he won't request their pardoning, cast him out into an unforgiving tempest. Amidst the tempest, Lear understands his misstep of offering capacity to his deceptive little girls, and furthermore starts to think about others. He additionally unearths the acknowledgment that he isn't almighty and awesome in light of the fact that he is a lord. His originally thought for anothers enduring was out in the tempest, not long before entering cover. He tells his Fool Poor nitwit and bastard, I have one section in my heart Thats sorry yet for thee. Lord Lear, Act III iv 75-76. He proceeds to think about the remainder of the individuals in the tempest. He says Poor exposed scalawags, wheresoeer you are, That await the pelting of this barbarous tempest, How will you houseless heads and unfed sides, Your circled and windowed shabbiness, shield you From seasons, for example, these? O, I have taen Too little consideration of this! Lord Lear, Act III iv 35-40. Here he shows lament that he has never really help his kin, while he could never concede a shortcoming of his. He additionally shows empathy for others, another attribute he was inadequate in the start of the play. Once inside the safe house, Lear meets Edgar, camouflaged as a distraught poor person. Despite the fact that they appear to be of vastly different economic wellbeing, the King relates with him and goes to the acknowledgment that all individuals are the equivalent underneath their attire. That regardless of how imperially or inadequately he is dressed, he is as yet a man. Thou workmanship the thing itself; unaccommodated man is close to such a poor, exposed, forked creature as thou craftsmanship. Ruler Lear, Act III iv 111-113. After this, he gives his regal garments to Edgar, since they have no importance to him any longer. They are not, at this point an image of his position, since he no longer has any power. Furthermore, with the loss of power, there comes lowliness. Upon the appearance of Cordelias armed force from France, he feels disgrace for his activities, which keeps him from rejoining with her. .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 , .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .postImageUrl , .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 , .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:hover , .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:visited , .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:active { border:0!important; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:active , .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!importan t; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6bc7dca646f3bec99fea38642dee2fc3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Tempest Final EssayWhen addressed with regards to where the King was, Kent answers A sovereign disgrace so elbows him; his own horribleness, That took her from his invocation, went her To outside losses, gave her dear rights To his pooch hearted little girls these things sting His brain so venomously that consuming disgrace Detains him from Cordelia. Kent, Act iv 49-55. Lears disgrace and blame show that he has acknowledged, yet acknowledged that he wasn't right and driven a crazy and hurried choice. Upon his gathering with Cordelia, he says They revealed to me I was everything, Tis a falsehood I am not a gue-evidence. Lord Lear, Act IV vi 119-120. He admits to Cordelia that he wasn't right to have tuned in to their sweet talk and to cast his actual girl away. After their compromise, he approaches her for her absolution, Pray you currently, overlook and excuse. I am old and stupid. Ruler Lear, Act IV vii 97. Just because he has lowered himself and approached another for absolution. This finishes his change from the rash, merciless and coldblooded King he was in the start of the play into the shrewd, mindful and humble Father he is in the last demonstration. His change is an amazing and moving one, with significant qualities that each individual ought to have.
Philippine Wildlife Essay Essay Example
Philippine Wildlife Essay Example Philippine Wildlife Essay Paper Philippine Wildlife Essay Paper Exposition Topic: Life Of Pi Presentation The Philippine Wildlife has a significant figure of works and energize being species that are autochthonal in the Philippines. The country’s environing Waterss allegedly have the most elevated level of biodiversity known to mankind. The Philippines is considered as one of the 17 mega assorted expresses each piece great as planetary biodiversity problem area. The world’s second biggest archipelago state after Indonesia. the Philippines incorporates more than 7. 100 islands covering 297. 179 km2 in the westernmost Pacific Ocean. The state is one of only a handful barely any states that. in its entireness. both a problem area and a super assorted variety state. puting it among the top priority problem areas for planetary protection. Be that as it may, need of the forested areas because of illicit logging. cut and-consume horticulture. what's more, urbanization is denying the Filipino enliven creatures of their normal home grounds and havens. Many mature ages back. the majo rity of the Filipino islands were shrouded in downpour wood. Deforestation. chasing. what's more, an inadequacy of natural life bearing has prompted the Philippines being depicted as protection â€Å"hotspot†. Less characteristic untamed life home ground nations stay every twelvemonth. Besides. the home ground that remaining parts has every now and again been corrupted to the wild nations which existed in the days gone by. The country’s natural life is recorded as imperiled. fundamentally imperiled or going up against termination. Delicate as they may be. these fabulous creatures need support in the protection endeavor for nature to ensure that they will exist together with us universes. Untamed life safeguarding endeavors are pointed in a few boss nations. These incorporate the innovative action of nature havens where untamed life can populate shielded and liberated from injury. also, where logical surveies can be led to more readily comprehend the threats to grouped species and what arrangements are expected to ensure their co ntinuance. Research laborers led this examination about Philippine untamed life security since we need to ensure that nature will be around for future coevalss to lounge and to recognize the significance of untamed life and wild grounds to universes. Numerous specialists authorities are devoted to natural life safeguarding. which help to execute arrangements intended for natural life security. There are other than army autonomous non-administrative associations who other than advance arranged untamed life security causes. Research laborers are other than concerned on the grounds that natural life conservation has gotten a continuously of import design because of negative human exercises on untamed life. Why natural life conservation is of import? Beside the reality losing the excellence of our state. Philippines. what's more, destructing various creatures. it is of import so as to proceed with the decent variety of natural life upon our state. Proclamation of the Problem. This theory tries to look into the effectivity of the Department of Environment and National Resources ( Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau ) in securing natural life. Philippines which is one of the world’s most naturally various nations has been depicted by certain hippies as being on the outskirt of a significant untamed life emergency. Be that as it may. this biodiversity is under hazard. Islands one time shrouded in undisturbed woodland home ground are currently under development to take care of the requests of the spread excursion populace. Deforestation. chasing and a lack of untamed life heading has prompted the Philippines being portrayed as non simply as a safeguarding ‘hotspot’ †a nation of concern †yet the ‘hottest of the hotspots’ . This study will expound on the effectivity of untamed life conservation. its essentialness. also, the significance of natural life in our biological system. In these aspects. the examination laborer tries to set up an answer to the undermentioned requests: 1. For what reason is it of import to ration and secure untamed life in the Philippines? 2. How useful does the associations in ensuring untamed life? 3. What endeavors are being taken to ensure untamed life? Speculation and Premises The endeavors applied by the Department of Environment and Energy Resources-Protected Areas Wildlife Bureau are useful in ensuring and rationing the country’s natural life. The review lays on the undermentioned premises: 1. Securing untamed life is of import to keep environmental ‘balance of nature’ and for financial worth. 2. Preservation of natural life is one of the endeavors that our state works out. The safeguarding assists with equilibrating the biological system in biodiversity. The endeavors that applied in the associations will in general facilitate the termination. 3. A significant part of the natural insurance that exists today is the immediate outcome of the solicitations and different exercises of ecological associations. 4. The endeavors applied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources are adequate to secure the untamed life. Extension and Delimitation of the Study The inclusion of this overview is about the conservation and insurance of Philippine natural life that is as a rule as of late misused or abused by universes because of negative exercises. The review comprises of preferred position that is being taken to ensure or moderate the jeopardized natural life in the Philippines. This review is primarily centered around the effectivity of endeavors that are being taken to ensure the Filipino untamed life. The overview does non spread the clime modification and reasonable uses of assets. The study will incorporate the DENR’s approaches to ensure Philippine untamed life and how they work. It is centered around the study of untamed life wherein they give it a second thought and save Philippine natural life for future coevalss. Essentialness or Importance of the study At the choice of this study. the examination laborers expect to put the endeavors of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in ensuring the Filipino untamed life. This overview is of import for the examination laborers to be all the more thinking about the Philippine Wildlife and to cognize the effectivity of the endeavors of the DENR in securing the untamed life. It might other than convey some statute Hatchet keeps an eye on to specify part of their administration, for example, actualizing more Torahs to ensure the Filipino Wildlife. This exploration illuminates the general people about the country’s natural life and help them perceive that it is of import to moderate our condition. When all is said in done. look into laborers led this review to assist the future coevals. since the protected untamed life has an enormous part to peoples’s lives. Meaning of Footings Biodiversity †natural assorted variety in a domain as showed by Numberss of various types of workss and quicken creatures Conservation†the insurance. sparing. course. or then again Restoration of common habitats and the biological networks that possess them Conservationist †a person who advocates safeguarding especially if regular assets Critically imperiled species†alludes to a species or races that is facing exceptionally high danger of annihilation in the normal state in the quick from now on Ecosystem†a framework that incorporates all life creatures ( biotic components ) in a nation each piece great as its physical condition ( abiotic factors ) cooperating as a unit Imperiled Speciess †alludes to a species or races that is non basically jeopardized however whose perseverance in the normal state is doubtful if the causal components keep runing Endemic Species †signifies species or races which is obviously occurring and found just inside explicit nations in the state Exotic Species †signifies species or races which do non obviously happen in the state Extinction †the system of quenching or cut bringing down a molded reaction by non reenforcing it Habitat †signifies a topographic point or condition where an animal varieties or races obviously happens or has obviously settled its populace Indigenous†conceived or imperiled in. local to a land or part. especially before an attack Indigenous untamed life implies species or races of natural life obviously occurring or has obviously settled populace in the state Introduction †signifies passing on species into the wild that is outside its regular home ground Threatened Species †a general term to signify species or races considered as fundamentally jeopardized. imperiled. helpless or other perceived classs of natural life whose populace is at risk of termination Vulnerable Species †alludes to a species or races that is non fundamentally imperiled nor jeopardized yet is under danger from unfavorable factors all through its degree and is probably going to venture out to the jeopardized class in the nearby future Wildlife †signifies wild signifiers and varieties of vegetations and zoologies. in every single formative stage. counting those which are in detainment or are being reared or spread Part 2Review of Related Literature and Surveies This part presents arranged outside and neighborhood stuffs related with the subject of this examination. These stuffs help with the understanding and examination of the Effectiveness of Attempts that being taken to ensure the Wildlife in the Philippines. Cutting edge The writing and surveies that were looked into were found to hold bearing on the current study. They filled in as bases for the conceptualisation the study’s inquire about employment. explore structure and research methodological investigation. Neighborhood Literature Roberto V. Oliva. a Forest Law Enforcement Specialist. expressed that the Philippines is one of the 17 mega different states known to mankind in his book entitled. PHILIPPINE FOREST AND WILDLIFE LAW ENFORCEMENT: Situationer and Core Issues. In this book. Oliva portray that the figure of species in a state is one stage of biodiversity. The Philippi
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essays on the Intranet
Papers on the Intranet Papers on the Intranet Papers on the Intranet Intranet is a private PC organize utilized by a set number of individuals who approach it. The ideal case of intranet is a school PC framework. Intranet is a framework dependent on the Internet advancements yet the sharing of data is increasingly ensured because of the set number of clients and the points of interest of the operational frameworks. On the off chance that you are composing papers on the intranet, this article is helpful for you. Papers on the Intranet Facts In this segment you will locate some essential realities about the intranet to remember for the initial or foundation area of your paper. Intranet is based upon indistinguishable advances from the Internet (customer server figuring) Intranet is the private or limited rendition of the web restricted to the particular foundation, association, or a gathering of individuals Intranet showed up in mid 1990s in colleges Intranet has confined access despite the fact that it might likewise be available for any endorsed party Intranet doesn't fundamental approaches the Internet Intranet is accepted to encourage joint effort and utilized as a corporate stage in every single significant enterprise Subjects Ideas for Essays on Intranet In the event that you don't know how to begin composing an article on intranet, read the accompanying points thoughts. Furthermore, you may audit the rundown of good article subjects and themes for an exploration paper on our blog. What are the advantages of Intranet for organizations? What is the capacity of Intranet at college or school? What is progressively secure: Intranet or Internet? Does intranet add to all the more opportune choices? Is Intranet a useful asset for correspondence? What is the historical backdrop of Intranet rise? What are the distinctions and similitudes of the Intranet and the Internet? Papers on the Intranet Custom Writing Only one out of every odd individual can turn into a skilled specialist and only one out of every odd understudy can compose grant winning papers. We comprehend that numerous understudies are battling with exposition composing and offer a viable and solid arrangement - custom paper composing. Our administrations are not offered to get your work done rather than your yet rather to assist you with the exploration and composing. As our customer, you get specially composed exposition on the Intranet made without any preparation in full agreement to the guidance. We reference all sources in the organization you indicate and give you free layout and list of sources list. We don't duplicate/glue and we ensure innovation of each and every sentence in composed exposition. You may check all the more free tips on article composing, look into paper, research project, coursework, and issue and arrangement exposition writing:http://.com/blog/issue and-arrangement article Peruse too: Paper Proposal Paper Help APA Thesis Authors of Term Papers Term Schools Papers about Gospel Music
Software Piracy :: essays research papers
Programming Piracy Practically regular it appears , programming companys continue siphoning out spic and span programming that kills the day befores in that it is progressively modern and more in tune with the requirements of todays superusers , office clients , and home clients . However , simultaneously , the product robbery industry in developing at a significantly quicker rate , costing programming organizations billions of dollars a year . The bit of crap government can put the same number of copyright laws in a book as they feel , yet soon it will be for all intents and purposes difficult to stop .      Although PC lack of education may at present hide by the thousands , PC intelligance prowls by the millions and even billions . We are going to sidestep any laws you toss at us .There is no halting it . America has gotta wake up , regardless of what sort of caution you put out , or whatever different limitations you attempt to uphold , there will consistently be another way . Regardless of what sort of encryption there will consistently be somebody who might be listening , wether it be me or the following fellow , whose knowledge is more noteworthy then the individuals who make the product .      According to the government , that by the way has no genuine command over america since they can't control themselves , programming is shielded from the snapshot of its creation . When that product hits the store it is secured by the United States Federal Government . However , thousands of programming titles have been put out there , and the administration hasn't secured a screwing thing from happening . What a joke , how might we let such blockheads run this country . The law in the USA expresses that an individual may who purchases the product may (I) duplicate it to a solitary PC and (II) make a duplicate for â€Å"archival purposes†. This likewise remains constant in canada except for the client just being capable to make a reinforcement duplicate rather than the USA law which is took into account both authentic what's more, reinforcement . In fact , the legislature can not watch who purchases programming . How are they going to know when John Doe purchases a duplicate of Duke Nukem 3D also, needs to introduce on Jane Smith's PC so they can get some system games going on . Yea right , they have control .
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
The Link Between Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example
Introduction In 2017, 90% of the 1,873 domestic violence programs in the United States contributed to a survey conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). In this particular survey, NNEDV collected data over a 24-hour period from the participating organizations on September 17th of that year, compiling together the number and types of calls they received. The study found that over 72,000 victims in the United States were served in a single day (NNEDV, 2017). Coupled with this information is the fact that in a study verified by the United States Humane Society, upwards of 71% of domestic violence victims stated that their abuser lashed out at pets as well (The Humane Society, 2017). Considering that animal cruelty and domestic violence are pressing issues that are often intertwined with one another, there are a few observable links that exist between the two. Some of these links include having the low activity variant of the MAOA gene, childhood trauma, heightened levels of testosterone, and exposure to societal pressures (I.e. toxic masculinity). In this paper, these links will be analyzed, and their likelihood as being potential indicators for physical violence and cruelty will be determined. Given the fact that so many cases of domestic violence and animal cruelty go unreported every year, this paper will also establish how these links may manifest in public spaces, and how potential signs of abuse/cruelty can be reported. Link #1: MAOA-L The MAOA gene, colloquially referred to as the Warrior gene, is responsible for breaking down neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is responsible for motor-function and releasing feel-good chemicals, while serotonin plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and emotions. In individuals that have the low-activity variant of the MAOA gene (MAOA-L), heightened aggression and impulsiveness have been observed (Cohen, 2018). This is due to the fact that MAOA-L does not break down dopamine and serotonin as efficiently as it should. This inefficiency results in the neurotransmitters not being broken as quickly, resulting in irregularities in dopamine and serotonin levels that lead to the previously stated symptoms. That is not to say that everyone with the low-activity variant of the MAOA gene is prone to committing acts of violence, however. In a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), it is stated that approximately 40% of the worlds population has the MAOA-L variant of the gene (Hunter, 2010). Although possessing this variant of the gene does not necessarily indicate that one will commit an act of violence, the presence of MAOA-L increases ones likelihood to commit a violent act. Keeping this in mind, many have turned to using behavioral genetics in recent years to explain why a spouse may lash out against their partner, or commit an act of violence against an animal. In states such as Michigan, however, domestic violence and abuse are not recognized as a sufficient defense, so the application of this type of science in a courtroom setting is minimal at this point in time. Because MAOA-L results in irregularities in the production of serotonin and dopamine in ones body, this leads to blind aggression. If someone with MAOA-L is provoked, they will typically lash out on what provoked them in a verbal or physical manner. This implies that this particular link between domestic violence and animal abuse is not necessarily causal, as the associated gene is largely blind to particular instances due to the fact that aggression spurred by MAOA-L is mostly impulsive. Link #2: Childhood Trauma Another link between domestic violence and animal abuse can be observed through individuals that have suffered childhood trauma. Due to the fact that people often experience a tremendous amount of neurological development during their adolescence, particularly traumatic events may lead to inhibited growth of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions that control impulsiveness, rationale, and aggression (Prefrontal Cortex, 2015). For children that have experienced childhood trauma that also codes for the low activity variant of the MAOA gene, their likelihood to commit an act of domestic violence or abuse animals raises even more. If ones amygdala and prefrontal cortex are stunted/damaged, this has been shown to interfere with ones ability to make rational decisions and reign in their emotions. With an inadequate dispersal and production of dopamine and serotonin as a result of MAOA-L, this would intensify ones emotional instability. A study published by NCBI pointed to a lack of nurture on behalf of parents may also lead to developmental disorders down the line such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder (Petersen, 2014). Oppositional Defiant Disorder is the tendency to defy authority figures. This could include police, teachers, and parents. Conduct Disorder, on the other hand, is often categorized as a disorder wherein someone will not abide by conventional social norms, and instead express regressive behavioral patterns. What is peculiar about these two disorders is the fact that they are both diagnosed during adolescence, and presumably influenced by genetic and environmental factors. In analyzing CD and ODD, antisocial and disobedient tendencies have been observed at much higher rates in criminals that have committed physically violent acts such as murder, rape, and domestic abuse. (Febres, 2014) Perhaps the most prominent link between animal abuse and domestic violence as it pertains to childhood trauma has been through the act of committing animal abuse during ones adolescence. In studies with criminals that have been found to have caused unnecessary pain and/or death to animals while they were children, it was found that they were more likely to carry those acts of violence into adulthood. It was also found that many offenders would commit acts against people that were similar to acts they committed against animals. This points to the fact that animal abuse may in some ways condition offenders to commit violence against their spouse, or other individuals that may set them off (Febres, 2014). Link #3: Hormonal Aspects of Violence Testosterone is the sex hormone found in males that is responsible for developing secondary sex characteristics (body hair, muscle growth) and the male reproductive system (scrotum, prostate, testes, etc.). While development is testosterones primary function, there are some additional effects, particularly as it pertains to mood. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid. Like other identified anabolic steroids, testosterone leads to increased activity in the amygdala, which is responsible for emotionally driven responses and actions. Because there is increased activity in the amygdala, this redirects most neural communication away from the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational decision making, leading to heightened levels of aggression and a shorter temper (Pinto, 2010). In a study researching the biological correlates of intimate partner violence perpetration, it was corroborated that testosterone does, in fact, lead to heightened levels of marital aggression, as well as an increased risk in committing intimate partner violence. While it has been found that testosterone does indeed result in heightened levels of aggression, it has also been found that it may be mediating as it pertains to the quality of ones marriage. Despite this conflicting finding, it has also been found that people are more likely to file for divorce as well (Pinto, 2010). Much like the previously established links, the correlation between animal abuse and domestic violence is aggregated through aggression and rage. In a study published by American Humane, it was stated that 71% of women seeking shelter from an abusive partner stated that their partner threatened to kill, harm, or maim their pets. As this study looking into domestic partnerships between men and women, a likely inference can be drawn that these abusive partners in fact had heightened levels of testosterone, given their overtly aggressive tendencies (Understanding the Link Between Animal Abuse and Family Violence, 2016) Link #4: Societal Aspects of Violence, and Toxic Masculinity So far, three links have been established between animal abuse and domestic violence that have largely been based on behavioral genetics. One additional link between these two acts can be drawn not through genetics, but environmental factors. The most prominent among these is the idea of toxic masculinity, and the cycle of socialization. The principal idea of the cycle of socialization is that from birth, one is socialized by their environment, and bombarded with messages that reinforce particular ideologies. This includes gender norms, religious beliefs, and specific behavioral patterns. This pattern of socialization in the most extreme of circumstances may lead to someones upbringing having a negative effect on their temperament and reactions to certain individuals. Toxic masculinity, referred to as hegemonic masculinity in the field of gender studies, is one trait that may be acquired through socialization. The core tenet of hegemonic masculinity is Manifestation of Links in Public Spaces. Conclusion At the root of all of the links between animal abuse and domestic violence that have been observed in this paper lies aggression, neurological anomalies, and errors associated with cell communication and/or signaling. All of these signs and symptoms, while not 100% indicative of the likelihood of one to commit an act of violence or animal cruelty, do in fact point to an increased likelihood of doing so. From the data compiled above, the most likely offenders are going to be males with high levels of testosterone that have the low activity variant of MAOA, who have also experienced stunted growth of their prefrontal cortex as a result of childhood trauma. At the end of the day, however, anyone is capable of committing acts of violence. It is for this reason why the behavioral genetics that points to the increased likelihood of committing acts of violence should be noted, but not used as definitive evidence to apprehend or besmirch someone. Since behavioral genetics is a relatively new field that is constantly experiencing brand new developments, the science behind why people commit acts of domestic violence and animal abuse is not entirely clear. While researchers have published papers on apparent links between the two, as well as reasons why people may commit overt acts of aggression during their adolescence and adulthood, all of the factors associated with it have not been properly identified. This can be observed through the fact that not all perpetrators of domestic violence and animal abuse are men with MAOA-L, heightened levels of testosterone, and victims of childhood trauma. This indicates one of two things: There is a common factor that has not yet been identified or each of the identified factors that boost the likelihood of committing a violent act are not necessarily intertwined. Because of the current ambiguity surrounding the topics of domestic violence and animal abuse and their linkage as it pertains to behavioral genetics and environmental factors, research of this topic is far from conclusive.
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